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Jan 19, 2023Non-Parochial Clergy reports & Licensed Clergy license renewals due

Non-Parochial Clergy reports & Licensed Clergy license renewals due

Emily Davenport One-minute read.   Resources

A request was sent to all clergy, reminding them that it is time for non-parochial clergy (clergy not assigned to a parish, whether retired or not) to practice the annual discipline of reporting on their ministry during 2022.

The canonical requirement for this report is found in the General Canons, Title I, Canon 6, Section 2: “Every Bishop, Presbyter or Deacon whose report is not included in a Parochial Report shall also report on the exercise of such office, and if there had been none, the causes or reasons which have prevented the same.”

If you have not already, please complete the online fillable form, which has questions to guide you, no later than Friday, February 24, 2023.

Please remember that non-parochial clergy should only report on ministries conducted (services, preaching, funerals, weddings, baptisms, etc.) outside of parishes and congregations. Ministries you conduct for a parish should already be recorded in a parish’s Register of Services. We do not want to double count those services.

Licensed clergy

In addition, licenses for all clergy ministering in West Missouri under license from the bishop will expire Tuesday, February 28. Licensed clergy who wish to be re-licensed for the year March 1, 2023 – February 29, 2024, should complete the bottom portion of the fillable form (same link above) to request relicensing.

Questions? Please contact Emily Davenport in the diocesan office.

Emily Devenport is Bishop Bruce’s executive assistant.

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