Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all Pictures of the Ordination of Fr. David Wilcox, Mtr. Brittany Sparrow-Savage, Fr. Ryan Williams, and Fr. Ryan Zavacky - New Spirit

Jul 18, 2023Pictures of the Ordination of Fr. David Wilcox, Mtr. Brittany Sparrow-Savage, Fr. Ryan Williams, and Fr. Ryan Zavacky

Pictures of the Ordination of Fr. David Wilcox, Mtr. Brittany Sparrow-Savage, Fr. Ryan Williams, and Fr. Ryan Zavacky

Congratulations to our newly-ordained priests on Saturday, July 15! The Diocese of West Missouri is blessed to have ordained four new priests into the ministry. Pictures of the event can be found below.

The images are also available to download.

Images supplied by Zachary Phillips.

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