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Grace Episcopal Church – Carthage

Fr. Steve Wilson

Believing in the Communion of Saints and the Resurrection to Life Everlasting, we ask your prayers for the Rev. Steven C. Wilson, who passed into Larger Life Sunday, February 13, in Carthage.

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The Supreme Court, Sexuality, and Romans 1

Five-minute read. Yesterday, In a 6-to-3 ruling, the Supreme Court determined that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bars employment discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, and sex, also applies to gay workers. The ruling means that gay people can’t be fired simply for being gay. People are going to protest against this ruling, and they’re going to quote Romans 1 in the protest. So, rather than ignore it or pretend it’s not there, let’s just deal with those passages head-on, shall we?

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Put on your @#$* mask

Six-minute read. Fr. Steve Wilson (Grace, Carthage) provides a heart-rending and personal insight into the plight of a priest during the current pandemic, and writes an impassioned plea for people to take wearing masks seriously.

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