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Sep 16, 2019Register for The Diocesan Youth Gathering & The Episcopal Youth Event

Register for The Diocesan Youth Gathering & The Episcopal Youth Event

Josh Trader One-minute read.   Resources

Diocesan Youth Gathering

Registration for the 2019 Diocesan Youth Gathering October 25-26 is open. Join youth from around the diocese for fellowship, food, and formation. This year we will be gathering at St. Mary’s Kansas City on Friday evening. Saturday we will venture to Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral to participate in the opening Eucharist for our diocesan convention and participate in workshops before returning to St. Mary’s for dismissal from DYG.

Some of you may be wondering, but isn’t it DYG and the Bishop’s Ball? In recent years that has been the case, the Youth Ministry Commission has decided to separate the two events this year. The Bishop’s Ball will be in January 2020, more details will be coming out soon.

Episcopal Youth Event

The Department of Faith Formation announced that the 2020 Episcopal Youth Event (EYE20) will be held in partnership with the Washington National Cathedral and the Episcopal Diocese of Washington on the campus of Howard University July 7-11, 2020.

In order for us to plan our trip to EYE20, we need to know how many are interested in attending. At the current moment, we do not have a cost estimate, this will depend on the registration fees for EYE and how we will need to travel.

At this time we have opened registration in our diocese so that we can start making preparations. Plan for travel dates of July 5-12, 2020, these may change once we know how many are planning to attend.

Josh Trader is The Bishop’s Assistant for Youth Ministry Development for The Diocese of West Missouri and a member of St. James’ Episcopal Church, Springfield.


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