Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all Care of Creation Grants now available - Application deadline November 3, 2019 - New Spirit

Oct 16, 2019Care of Creation Grants now available – Application deadline November 3, 2019

Care of Creation Grants now available – Application deadline November 3, 2019

The Episcopal Church’s Task Force on Creation Care and Environmental Racism is now accepting applications for its 2019 Grant Cycle.

The Task Force on Creation Care and Environmental Racism, seeks to support and expand The Episcopal Church’s loving, liberating, life-giving relationship with God, with each other and with Creation. At The Episcopal Church’s General Convention in 2018, the convening body allocated funds to this task force to support local and regional eco-ministry efforts.

Two types of funding requests are offered: Seed Funding ($1,000 to $10,000) and Impact Funding (Up to $25,000).

Seed Funding 

Seed funding includes smaller grants from $1,000 to $10,000 to support: one-time projects, the development of new projects that may continue beyond the duration of the grant funding, resources for storytelling, curriculum development, etc. No matching funds are needed to apply for these grants.

Impact Funding 

Impact funding includes larger grants up to $25,000 for projects that have an impact beyond the applicant organization/parish and include more than one partner in accomplishing the grant. Impact grants require a dollar-for-dollar match or other in-kind support provided by the combined contributions of the partner organizations and/or the applicant’s diocese. 

Episcopal Church congregations, seminaries, schools, monastic communities, non-profits, dioceses, provinces, etc. are encouraged to develop projects that find and establish connections between eco- and social justice, engaging the local community as partners and participants. The projects should seek to foster cooperation between communities of faith, civic, scientific and educational organizations. Projects should have specific outcomes that create lasting impact, enhance faith formation and social understanding and serve groups and/or regions that are vulnerable and/or underrepresented in the church. Projects including intergenerational engagement, demonstrating innovation and creativity and promoting churchwide learning, understanding and practical application are welcomed. Projects should not be solely focused on materials or capital expenses.

Application information is available in English and Spanish here and here.

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