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Sep 29, 2020Let’s get planting!

Let’s get planting!

Kim Snodgrass Two-minute read.   Resources

The 130th Diocesan Convention made it our goal is to see at least five hundred trees planted within the boundaries of West Missouri before by November 2020.

Every person can reaffirm their Baptismal vow by planting a tree in gratitude and reflect on the wonder and beauty of creation. Every congregation can participate by planting numerous trees in their communities as a witness to the Paris Accord on Climate Change.

Environmental stewardship and care of creation are key components of formation. Every person can reaffirm their Baptismal vow by planting a tree in gratitude and reflect on the wonder and beauty of creation. Every congregation can participate by planting numerous trees in their communities as a witness to the Paris Accord on Climate Change.

Have you already been planting?

Send your updates to Fr. Galen Snodgrass so that pictures and stories can be shared. It’s exciting to see what others are doing. Fall can be a great time to plant new deciduous trees in Missouri, when the soil temperature is about 50 degrees or so in late September or October. You’ll want to check out your specific zone – but Flowering Dogwoods, Red Buds, Skyline Locust, Maples and Pin Oaks tend to thrive in our climate.

Planting trees is formational

  • An Order of Service for Tree Planting provides liturgy to commemorate a significant beginning, ending or time of significant change (the COVID19 pandemic comes to mind) when a tree is planted – or a planting for no other purpose than to bring life and beauty to the earth.
  • Educate yourself on the beauty and usefulness of trees in general as well as the specific tree you plant. What are the benefits it will provide to you and others in terms of beauty, food or shelter?
  • How will planting this tree be of service to your neighborhood or the community?
  • How can or will planting this tree be an act of fellowship? If you’re looking for something to do outside together this is a great way to bring everyone together.

Would it not be exciting to hear about all the trees planted in West Missouri over this last year? What a great way to show we are many, but one.

Kim Snodgrass is Assistant to the Bishop for Christian Formation.

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