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May 04, 2021Sharing Stories of Baptismal Living — monthly web conferences from Bexley Seabury Seminary

Sharing Stories of Baptismal Living — monthly web conferences from Bexley Seabury Seminary

Kim Snodgrass One-minute read.   Resources
Roger Hutchison Image Credit: Pathways for Baptismal Living

Following the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, bestselling author and illustrator, Roger Hutchison, had the privilege of painting with children who experienced this tragic event. This profoundly affected him and convinced him to serve those who grieve with his writing and art. 

Hear more of his story and explore how he uses color and words to live his baptismal vows on Sunday, May 9, 2021, during the Sharing Stories of Baptismal Living web conference.

Pathways for Baptismal Living at Bexley Seabury hosts a monthly web conference offering inspiration and support to all who seek to live lives reflective of their baptismal promises. These free, live, interactive conversations occur on the second Sunday from 7:30-8:30 p.m. CDT. Each evening explores how faithful people have found their faith and answered God’s call; they hope to inspire and offer sustenance to all who seek to respond to God’s activity in their lives.

It has been said that there is prayerful poetry woven through my work, a gentle reverence in my tone and posture toward the heartbroken. I am called through the waters of baptism to use color and word to journey with others on the way of love and promote healing and hope in today’s hurting world. At baptism, we are asked if we “will strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?” I hope and pray that by living my life as a prayer of thanksgiving, I am heeding the call bestowed on me when I cried out ” I will with God’s help!”

Click here to register and join Roger Hutchison on May 9 via Zoom. A web conversation link will be emailed to those who register.

Kim Snodgrass is Assistant to the Bishop for Christian Formation.

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