Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all Explore the possibilities for expanding your Children's and Family Ministries - New Spirit

Jun 09, 2021Explore the possibilities for expanding your Children’s and Family Ministries

Explore the possibilities for expanding your Children’s and Family Ministries

Kim Snodgrass One-minute read.   Resources
Image credit: Gary Allman

On Thursday, June 10, anyone involved in Children and Family Ministry is invited to join us in a virtual gathering to get better acquainted. The June meeting is the first in what will hopefully grow into a series of informal, quarterly online meetings. In June, we will focus on plans for this fall and then use the following schedule to set us up for success!

Together, we have years of experience at our fingertips. We can learn, share ideas, and network resources, and there is that much more joy in the work God calls us to … so come get together with other churches that offer (or are hoping to offer) active ministries for children and families.

  • September (Advent/Christmas)
  • November/December (Lent)
  • March (Summer and thinking ahead to fall)

If specific continuing education will be helpful down the line, let’s explore those options, too.

We all want our congregation to engage children and help them grow in their faith. We need to offer each other the support and encouragement to make good things happen. Please join the conversation by contacting formation@diowestmo.org for a virtual meeting link.

Note: Please share this invitation and the link with others involved in this ministry in your church. And, if you are not able to attend the June meeting, please let us know you are interested in a future gathering by emailing formation@diowestmo.org. We’ll make sure you stay in the loop.

Kim Snodgrass is Assistant to the Bishop for Christian Formation.

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