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Jul 23, 2021Choosing Curriculum: Things to keep in mind for children (and adults)

Choosing Curriculum: Things to keep in mind for children (and adults)

Kim Snodgrass One-minute read.   Resources
Image Credit: Rows of Sharon

Well-known Christian Educator Sharon Ely-Pearson’s recent blog post regarding children’s curriculum is worth the few minutes time it will take you to read it. Though it is oriented towards selecting children’s curriculum, additional insights apply just as well to adult education. What really captured my attention was a comment about doing the work before making decisions –

  • What are the needs of your congregation or age group?
  • Why are you seeking something new; what did you dislike about the previous program that is calling you to make a switch?
  • What have you learned about the needs and desires of participants since last year?

As Episcopalians, she encourages us to choose what will most help a child, youth, or adult understand and live out their Baptismal Covenant in daily life. In her article, she also offers links to –

She highly recommends subscribing to Building Faith and bookmarking their Curriculum Center. By subscribing, you will get an email each time they publish an article about Christian formation as well as their curriculum reviews for all ages, stages, and settings. This includes their articles for this year’s curriculum picks:

Sharon Ely-Pearson is a gifted resource who has been encouraging and supporting Christian education through her work for over twenty years. What she has to say pretty much sums it all up. The resources she has created and provided, often free of charge, have enriched the Episcopal Church. Nothing short of her own words can reflect her passion for this ministry.

Kim Snodgrass is Assistant to the Bishop for Christian Formation.

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