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Aug 12, 2021Reach Out Challenge

Reach Out Challenge

Kim Snodgrass One-minute read.   Resources
Stock image: Hatice EROL from Pixabay

Most of us know someone, friend or family, who could use a break. In August, the Everything Holy project suggested households challenge themselves to reach out and help.

Dinnertime can be a rush for young parents and frustratingly repetitive when cooking only for yourself. Next time you’re making a dish plan to double down on dinner to share with someone else and lighten their load.

Have you been craving a batch of cookies or any recipe that makes way more than you need? Why not put it together knowing it can be enjoyed by others as well!

Or, if you like to eat out, drop off an extra pizza on your way home. Either way, call ahead to see if they’d be delighted to skip a night of cooking!

Each month Everything Holy encourages outreach, mission, connections, and community through a Reach Out Challenge.

This is one of many topics ideas you’ll find in Everything Holy. Each month Everything Holy encourages outreach, mission, connections, and community through a Reach Out Challenge. If you are not already signed up, click here to explore what being part of this project might offer your household.

Kim Snodgrass is Assistant to the Bishop for Christian Formation.

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