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Dec 16, 2021A Waiting Prayer

A Waiting Prayer

Kim Snodgrass One-minute read.   Resources
Image Credit Pixabay

It can be hard to wait…

Christmas music has been playing in stores for weeks now and trees were up even before Halloween. By the time we get this far into December, we can feel burned out and so busy in the season that we miss the entire point of Christmas. Keep this simple prayer in mind and use it during the remaining days of the Advent season.

God, we don’t wait very well. We are impatient. We struggle sometimes to wait for our food at the drive-thru. We don’t like to wait for our computers to download files or buffer videos. We want things done in our time. Help us to slow down in this season of Advent. Help us to be more aware of the waiting that needs to happen in our lives, and the knowledge that if it’s meant to be, it will be on your time. Let us look forward expectantly to the coming of your Son into our world and to let that be the primary focus of the season. Amen.

Kim Snodgrass is Assistant to the Bishop for Christian Formation.

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