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Dec 02, 2021Bishop Bruce’s first day

Bishop Bruce’s first day

Gary Allman One-minute read.   Resources
Bishop Bruce and the diocesan staff, Staff Meeting at the Diocesan Center, Kansas City, December 1, 2021. (L-R) Ron Weil (Finance), Josh Trader (Youth), Kim Snodgrass (Christian Formation), Elaine Gilligan (HR), Jamillah Duckett (Events), Bishop Bruce, Emily Davenport (Bishop’s Assistant), Fr. Bill Fasel (Leadership Development), Gary Allman (Comms.). Image credit: Gary Allman

On Wednesday, December 1, 2021, the Rt. Rev. Diane M. Jardine Bruce commenced her Episcopate as Bishop Provisional of West Missouri. The first Wednesday of the month is traditionally the day of the diocesan staff’s monthly meeting, and it was business as usual, with a close look at Bishop Bruce’s very packed calendar. There followed more planning for 2022 and detailed introductions and discussions.

When asked to comment on her first day in The Diocese of West Missouri, for the New Spirit, Bishop Bruce said,

What a wonderful way to kick off the first of many days with you all here in The Diocese of West Missouri! Being able to meet with the entire diocesan staff, getting to know each other and talk about upcoming events, ongoing and new mission and ministry, and yes, talking about our families. While I will write more in the next New Spirit, I wanted to take a minute to say I look forward to meeting with you, talking with you about mission and ministry in your communities, praying with you, and sharing the good news of what is happening throughout the diocese with you. I will be praying for you all, and I ask you to pray for me.”

  • Bishop Bruce’s visitation schedule can be found here.
  • Bishop Bruce’s contact information can be found here.
  • To arrange a meeting with Bishop Bruce, please contact Emily Davenport, the Bishop’s Executive Assistant.

Gary Allman is Communications Director with The Diocese of West Missouri.

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