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Feb 27, 2022A fresh wind

A fresh wind

Thomas Kincaid One-minute read.   Resources
Bishop Bruce delivering the sermon at the Absalom Jones Celebration Service at St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City,. Missouri. February 6, 2022. Image: Mary Ann Teschan

Following Bishop Bruce’s recent pastoral visit to Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Kansas City, member Tom Kincaid penned the following poem.

 A Fresh Wind

A fresh wind has blown in from the West,
Catching and filling the sails of the ship
That is The Diocese of West Missouri.
It carries a new hope for change.
As the ship moves forward once more
Leaving the doldrums where it has been
Stuck these past few years.
You have only to look at the faces
Of our clergy and congregants
To see the transformation it has brought.
The source is diminutive and feminine,
Reminding that God chooses the vessel
To do his work, not man.
So, with renewed purpose we go forward
Into the unknown but giving thanks
For this force of nature wrapped in God’s love.

Thomas Kincaid.  
Bishop Bruce introduces “Bishop Duck.” Welcome and seating of the Rt. Rev. Diane M. Jardine Bruce at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City, Missouri. Image credit: Mary Ann Teschan

Thomas Kincaid is a member of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Kansas City.

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