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Mar 09, 2022International Outreach Grant (IOG) Program, 50:50 donation match

International Outreach Grant (IOG) Program, 50:50 donation match

The Ven. Bruce Bower Two-minute read.   Resources
Haiti mission trip. File image

Over the last 20 years, our diocese has matched over $140,000 in IOG-approved charitable donations…

The Diocese of West Missouri has long maintained a strong conviction to support international outreach, specifically as defined by the Millennium Development Goals established by the Episcopal Church at its general convention in 2000. The intent is to reduce the number of people around our world who live in extreme poverty. When initially established, eight goals were developed by the international community, including leaders from 191 countries. These goals were also endorsed by development institutions and religious bodies worldwide.

The goals are:

  1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
  2. Achieve universal primary education
  3. Promote gender equality and empower women
  4. Reduce child mortality
  5. Improve maternal health
  6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
  7. Ensure environmental sustainability
  8. Develop a global partnership for development

Each year The Diocese of West Missouri makes annual matching grants on a dollar-for-dollar basis

Each year The Diocese of West Missouri makes annual matching grants on a dollar-for-dollar basis (up to $1,000 per applicant-church institution) to Episcopal churches that make donations to foreign causes that support one or more of these goals. You can double the effect of your international outreach support by participating in the IOG program, a 2-for-1 Special!

Over the last 20 years, our diocese has matched over $140,000 in IOG-approved charitable donations. The list of IOG program beneficiaries has covered causes in countries ranging from Botswana to Haiti, Guatemala, and Jordan. The list of important supported causes has ranged from hospitals to clinics, orphanages, schools, and freshwater projects.

Grant applications are reviewed by the IOG Committee for approval. Funds are sent from the diocese to the organization in the name of the congregation/parish. This year’s deadline for submission of your IOG grant application and supporting materials is November 5, 2022.

For more information on this wonderful program, visit the IOG Page on the diocesan website or contact the IOG Committee Chairman, The Ven. Bruce Bower at dcnbruce@standrewkc.org.

They Ven Bruce Bower is archdeacon of The Diocese of West Missouri and serves as a deacon at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City.

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