Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all Bishop Bruce: "I was able to speak with Bishop Barry Howe this morning... He and Mary are safe and well." - New Spirit

Sep 30, 2022Bishop Bruce: “I was able to speak with Bishop Barry Howe this morning… He and Mary are safe and well.”

Bishop Bruce: “I was able to speak with Bishop Barry Howe this morning… He and Mary are safe and well.”

Friday, September 30, 2022

My friends in Christ,

I want to let you all know that I was able to speak with Bishop Barry Howe this morning… He and Mary are safe and well. They had to evacuate their home and made the decision to go south (Naples, Florida) which put them in the middle of things. They were staying in a hotel that lost power. They then had the good fortune to stay with the priest who had power. They are fine and are heading home this morning. All reports are that their home weathered the storm well. I assured them of our prayers. Please continue to pray for Bishop Barry and Mary and for all those impacted by Hurricane Ian.

God, you are in the midst of those who suffer
May all affected by natural disasters feel your healing presence.

God, you are in the hands of those who reach out
Help responders in their courageous work.

God, you are in the hearts of those compassionate ones
Whose prayers cry out for their families
Whose prayers cry out for their neighbors
Whose prayers cry out even for strangers
Bless and comfort those who mourn.

God, you are in the still small voice,
The gentle whisper that follows
May our ears always hear
May our hearts always cry out for one another
May our hands always reach out to one another
And may we always walk like you walk
In solidarity with those who suffer
And so reflect your presence and comfort.


Prayer adapted from Catholic Relief Services

Blessings and love,

The Rt. Rev. Diane M. Jardine Bruce
Bishop Provisional of West Missouri

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