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Sep 01, 2022What’s the “right” choice for curriculum this fall?

What’s the “right” choice for curriculum this fall?

Kim Snodgrass Two-minute read.   Resources

Fall often brings a flurry of activity and preparation, along with a little hang-wringing and perhaps gnashing of teeth. Will we offer a Children’s Sunday School? What curriculum should we use? Who will teach? How many will come?

To make it a wee bit simpler I’d encourage you to explore the three highly respected resources below.

But, before getting too far into the process, pause to consider no one curriculum will necessarily bring people in in droves; there is no silver bullet. However, there are choices that can better meet the needs, and goals of your congregation. Because intentional time for Christian Education is spent helping a child, youth, or adult understand and live out their Baptismal Covenant in daily life, you might pursue this Sharon Ely Pearson resource to help choose and evaluate curriculum.

  • Annual Planning Calendar Templates for Years A+B+C is brought to you by well-known author and Christian Educator Sharon Ely Pearson.
  • BuildingFaith.org has gathered their top picks in children’s, youth, adult, and intergenerational curriculum. Rest assured, this resource is published by Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary and they know Christian Education.
  • Illustrated Ministry has something for everyone – worship, formation, and families resources – many of which are free.

The Building Faith website also has a robust Curriculum Center which recognizes the right choice of curriculum depends entirely on your context and your goals. This cite has articles that help you identify your needs, capabilities, and hopes, along with curriculum charts to sort through options.

And finally, please keep in mind the Christian Formation Office is here to walk with you, to help you discover the unique tools you are looking for that will help you incorporate intentional formational ministry and serve Christ. We are here to provide the support you need for Children, Youth, Young Adult, Adult and Generations in Community Together and our collection of recommended resources is intended to simplify your research and organize the wealth of information available online today into a single source for individuals, households and congregations. Please contact me by email or phone (816) 648-0724, to let me know how I can further support you. 

Kim Snodgrass is Assistant to the Bishop for Christian Formation.

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