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Apr 05, 2023West Missouri on the move: March Diocesan Council update

West Missouri on the move: March Diocesan Council update

The Rev. Galen Snodgrass Three-minute read.   Resources

Your elected representatives on Diocesan Council are continuing in the work of vision and mission outlined at the February combined retreat of the Council and Standing Committee.

Our new diocesan vision is,

God’s just and peaceful beloved community built on our shared love or God and one another.”

Our mission is,

As the Body of Christ, we seek, serve, and save the lost by proclaiming the Good News, forming disciples, serving others, and striving for justice.”

Members of Council and Standing Committee each were assigned to one of the four pillar groups:

  1. Proclaiming the Good News
  2. Forming Disciples
  3. Serving Others
  4. Striving for Justice.

Each group met at least once during March.

We can report that $6 million dollars of funding was requested for next year’s budget, which is well beyond our current budget of $2 million dollars

Most of the April 1 Diocesan Council meeting was devoted to reviewing and discussing written reports submitted by each pillar group. We also reviewed of the proposed hopes-and-dreams budgets for 2024 submitted by individuals and groups in our diocese. We can report that $6 million dollars of funding was requested for next year’s budget, which is well beyond our current budget of $2 million dollars. After a lively discussion, the following actions were taken and agreed upon:

  • An Administration pillar was added because many of the budget requests would impact diocesan staffing.
  • Each budget proposal for 2024 was assigned to one of the five pillar groups.
  • The pillar groups will meet in April to review, prioritize, rank, and make recommendations about the hopes-and-dreams budget requests, reporting back at the regular May Council meeting.
  • Around May 16 a first draft of the 2024 budget will be sent to the deaneries for review and discussion.
  • The three deans — the Revs. Chandler Jackson, Robin James, and Isaac Petty will compile and synthesize feedback.
  • Work will continue in June on a second draft of the budget.

Beloved siblings, the budgeting process for the 2024 financial year is well ahead of what was achieved in previous years. And it’s being done through the lens of God’s call as set out in our vision and mission statements. The members of Council ask for and greatly appreciate your prayers as we continue to discern and act in our reconciling work through Jesus Christ in West Missouri. Thank you for continuing in the amazing work being done among each of our congregations in the name of our risen Lord.

Fr. Galen Snodgrass is the rector of Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Kansas City. A member of the Diversity and Reconciliation Commission, and Vice President of the Diocesan Council.

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