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May 18, 2020Recognize graduates, teachers, and end of the year programs

Recognize graduates, teachers, and end of the year programs

Kim Snodgrass One-minute read.   Resources

The traditions and rituals of spring are going to be different in new and creative ways this year. If you are looking for creative ways to recognize and celebrate graduates, teachers, and end of year programs check out the pandemic-minded resources and ideas below to help make whatever you do meaningful and memorable.

Start with Celebrating Graduation resources offered by The Episcopal Church to find prayers and blessings, service videos and virtual choirs, worship bulletins and scripture, as well as a collection of resources and ideas for celebrating 2020 graduates during this pandemic. There won’t be a need to reinvent the wheel if you choose to use these as they are or as a template to create your own.

Sharon Ely Pearson’s post about Grief and Graduation might be helpful to share with graduates and their families as well as Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s message of love, hope and encouragement.

And, these tried and true ideas for celebrating teachers, graduates and program participants work well for congregations, families and individuals!

  • Nothing says thank you like a personal note in the mail!
  • Send gift cards (virtually or by email) for a free drive-through or delivery to thank them for all they do.
  • Homemade “Thank You!” yard signs would be a sweet surprise!
  • Invite Sunday School class members and their families to share a video about why they are thankful for their teacher/graduate/program. Think of all the people who need to see it and find a way to share!
  • A basket of isolation goodies could include an inspirational note, book or a mandala coloring page.

Kim Snodgrass is Assistant to the Bishop for Christian Formation.

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