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May 04, 2020Reflections On “Social Distancing”

Reflections On “Social Distancing”

Kim Snodgrass One-minute read.   Resources

How are Episcopalians in West Missouri coming to understand “social distancing” in relation to faith and the way we live our lives? The answer depends on your personal reflection.

The Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry asks What Would Love Do?; an article on The Gospel in A Time Of Social Distancing by Casey Cep, a columnist for the New Yorker Magazine; and the perspective of Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky from the modern orthodox congregation of B’nai David-Judea in Los Angeles, all offer food for thought as we wrestle with this issue. After exploring their personal viewpoints, ask yourself the following questions to come up with your own personal reflection.

  • Do you find yourself in agreement, or are you torn between different positions?
  • Did anything you read lead you to reconsider what you believe?
  • What new insights have you gained?
  • What do you still wonder about?
  • What will you do with the conclusions you have come to, what course of action will you take?

Kim Snodgrass is Assistant to the Bishop for Christian Formation.

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