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May 19, 2020Sewanee Ministry Collaborative seeks clergy participants and conveners

Sewanee Ministry Collaborative seeks clergy participants and conveners

Diocesan Staff Two-minute read.   Resources

Empowering Clergy to Flourish

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The Sewanee Ministry Collaborative is seeking applications for participants and conveners. The Collaborative is a mutual mentoring program designed to help clergy flourish in their chosen ministries. Helping them to recapture the deep sense of vocation that brought them to ministry. 

Conveners will be members of the mentoring groups that coordinate and facilitate the work of the groups. They will need to be available for an additional training session, September 13-15, and will receive a honorarium. 

The only cost to participants is a $100 per year contribution to a travel expense pool. 

The Collaborative’s work focuses on ministry areas where a supportive community of peers is known to be especially valuable. These are:

  • Latino/Hispanic ministries
  • Black Ministries
  • Rural ministries
  • Clergy trained in alternative theological education programs. 

In addition, there is a special focus on women across all four groups. The goal is to create clergy groups representing a wide range of diversity: age, ethnicity, regions, etc.

The Collaborative is currently looking for 28 participants to commit to three years with one of the four cohorts. Each year begins with a ministry summit held in September. Participants work in groups to develop key skills for flourishing individually and collectively. The theme of the summit for first-year participants is “Prayer and Purpose.” Participants engage in intensive group work to establish relationships of trust and accountability and work with faculty to gain a clear vision of purpose in ministry and prayer practices to support that vision. Second-year students focus on accountability in flourishing and community leadership. Between ministry summits, groups will meet virtually and in-person to continue supporting one another’s ministries.

The deadline to apply for the Collaboration 2020 cohort is May 31. The Ministry Summit will be held September 15-18 either at Camp Allen in Navasota, Texas, or online if that proves to be necessary. (Note the dates for conveners are September 13–18).

Application Form

The Sewanee Ministry Collaborative is an initiative funded by the Lilly Endowment, Inc.

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