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May 11, 2020West Missouri’s congregations take a multi-prong approach to communication in the age of COVID19

West Missouri’s congregations take a multi-prong approach to communication in the age of COVID19

Kim Snodgrass Two-minute read.   Resources
Picking up the phone to reach out!

Nowadays it is especially important to embrace a multi-prong communications approach, and each method will prove effective in a unique way. We know everyone does not have access to the internet, nor does everyone choose to spend their time on the internet, so congregations are exploring other options. Here are just a few that you can use.

  • Pick up a phone! Hearing a voice say “I just got to thinking about you and wanted to check in” or a personal invitation to an event (including virtual ones) speaks volumes and can make all the difference in the world. It’s also a great way to encourage being of service from home.
  • Cards and letters work wonders! Receiving something other than a bill is such a treat. Think about how many hearts are touched by one homemade card or letter – much less many. It says I care about you and is yet another great way to reach out from home. People share jokes, poems, or affirmations on the many ways someone has meant so much.
  • Make sure everyone in the congregation receives your news! It may not be necessary each time you have information to share but if done occasionally to include multiple news items it can be a wise investment of time and resources. For instance, check out a sample letter used by a West Missouri congregation as an update on their response to COVID19. The 75¢ mailing included six additional pages of resources on ways to continue liturgy, education, fellowship, and service at home. Print outs were included because not everyone has a printer, ink, or will take the time to sort through pdfs if sent electronically. Contact Kim Snodgrass (formation@diowestmo.org) for copies of the resources cited in the letter!

There is no doubt an up-to-date website or social media presence spreads news quickly and with ease using words, pictures and video. When up-to-date with current news or information it also shows someone cares, people are involved and good things are happening.

Embrace each approach. Say and show you care in ways that make everyone feel loved and connected to the faith community.

Has your church found an effective way to reach out to all its members? Tell us about it in the comments.

Kim Snodgrass is Assistant to the Bishop for Christian Formation.

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