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Aug 24, 2020Education for Ministry Online Classes

Education for Ministry Online Classes

Kim Snodgrass One-minute read.   Resources

Education for Ministry (EfM) invites participants into small, mentored groups that provide the framework for understanding life and shaping actions as Christian faith is deepened. EfM seminar groups meet in local settings and online, and provide a four-year curriculum that develops a theologically informed, reflective, and articulate laity.

This is how the platform works. There are both fall- and winter-start date groups. You may contact any of the mentors on the list directly. Feel encouraged to contact all those online mentors whose schedules might fit yours. The Fall-start-date groups are finishing now, and will enroll new groups soon.

The online mentor you connect with will also guide you through the enrollment process. All EfM Online groups are sponsored by Sewanee, thus online participants pay the sponsored rate of $375 per year (versus the unsponsored rate of $475). In addition, a West Missouri $100 scholarship is available upon request. Find out more by contacting Kim Snodgrass.

If you cannot connect with an online group right away the EfM Online Coordinator, Cynthia Hargis, will be glad to add your name, address, phone number, and home time zone to the online waiting list. This list is kept up-to-date and made available to all the online mentors.

Kim Snodgrass is Assistant to the Bishop for Christian Formation.

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