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Aug 24, 2020Here For You

Here For You

Kim Snodgrass One-minute read.   Resources
Image credit: Pixabay.com

Are we making disciples in West Missouri?

Yes? Becoming a disciple simply means being the follower of a great master, a learner who helps to spread the master’s teaching. If I embrace disciple from a that perspective I hear Jesus saying, “Look, all I’m asking is that you open your heart to learn from me, to do what I do – show kindness, love mercy and walk humbly with God.” Not easy of course, but a straightforward message.

Being a disciple of Jesus brings love, kindness and humility into the world. I want to be a part of that because living out His message does change our world – one step at a time.

Kim Snodgrass
Kim Snodgrass Image credit: Katy Rollins

I’m here to help us move in that direction, learning from Jesus using tools that work best and along with all the resources, encouragement and support I can send in your direction.

  • Does an Old or New Testament lectionary Bible study sound good? There are examples, let me pass them along.
  • Interested in trying meditation? Let’s explore some options.
  • Need help choosing between curriculum or small group suggestions for online use? Use me as a sounding board.
  • Are you looking for engaging, “outside the box” ideas to build enthusiasm? Let’s brainstorm together!
  • Hoping to engage young people and families? The possibilities are endless.
  • And, what about ideas on how you can still encourage fellowship and service from home? Let me do the legwork so you don’t have to!

The Christian Formation Office is here to provide support to Children, Youth, Young Adults, Adults and Generations in community together. Our growing collection of recommended resources, programs and activities are intended to simplify your research and organize the wealth of information available online today into a single source.

I’ll admit, for years the word disciple sounded much to evangelical for this cradle-born Episcopalian. I struggled with “go and make disciples” scripture because I was so opposed to shoving something down anyone’s throat.

Instead let’s embrace discipleship and walk together to discover the unique tools individuals, families and congregations look for that help us all be followers of Jesus.

Kim Snodgrass is Assistant to the Bishop for Christian Formation.

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