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Nov 12, 2020Advent and Christmas Resources

Advent and Christmas Resources

Kim Snodgrass One-minute read.   Resources
Image credit: Pezibear from Pixabay.com

It’s that time of year when Advent is right around the corner. Many of you are already working on Advent boxes or care packages for households. If you’re just getting started, here are three suggestions to keep in mind.

  • Keep it simple in terms of content and supplies.
  • Recruit help to generate enthusiasm and ideas!
  • Think household and intergenerational. You never know how far something as simple as a coloring page might travel.

Then, check out these resources from Illustrated Ministry and others that offer a plethora of ideas on how to bring Advent Home.

Advent is a formational season of hope and expectation. It’s important to recognize and bring into the home one way or another. Keep watching the The Diocese of West Missouri’s Facebook page for more Advent ideas, including ways to for people to reconnect with the physical space and be inclusive of the neighborhood you are in. Or, please reach out for support by contacting Kim at formation@diowestmo.org.

Kim Snodgrass is Assistant to the Bishop for Christian Formation.

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