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Nov 12, 2020It’s a wrap! 2020 Annual Convention Round-up

It’s a wrap! 2020 Annual Convention Round-up

Gary Allman Two-minute read.   Resources

It’s a wrap! The Diocese of West Missouri’s first (and hopefully only) online Annual Convention is now over. The 131st Annual Convention of The Diocese of West Missouri was held on Saturday, November 7. Preparations included over nine hours of training in six sessions which were provided over the preceding two weeks. On the day, eight staff, including two staff dedicated to assisting via telephone and online chat lines, worked behind the scenes to ensure everything went as smoothly as possible.

Fr. Jonathan Frazier, Rector, St. Peter & All Saints leads the Pet Pageant

Of course, there were a couple of minor technical glitches, and one election went to an unprecedented (in my tenure anyway) six ballots. The time needed to create and count additional ballots was quickly hijacked by an impromptu pet ‘Show and Tell’ session.

I’m glad to report that all the feedback on the convention that we’ve received so far has been very positive.

You can fast forward through watch the entire convention on our website here (six hours).

Convention highlights & information

  • Bishop Marty’s address to the convention can be seen here.
  • A complete list of election results and the various appointments ratified by the Diocesan Convention are given here.
  • Tom Kokjer, the Diocesan Treasurer, presented the 2021 Plan for Ministry, which was subsequently approved by the convention. You can watch Tom’s presentation here.
  • The 2021 Plan for Ministry is available to read here.
  • Of the four resolutions brought before the convention, three were approved–some with minor tweaking to their language–and one was rejected. You can read the resolutions, as approved, here.
  • All the reports submitted can be found here.

If you want to see the complete rosters of Diocesan Council and Standing Committee members, links are provided below.

Gary Allman was the Communications Director with The Diocese of West Missouri from March 2014 through June 2023.

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