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Apr 22, 2021Episcopal Church Executive Council announces diocesan relief grants

Episcopal Church Executive Council announces diocesan relief grants

Gary Allman Two-minute read.   Resources

All dioceses may request up to $40K to address needs

In a recent press release The Episcopal Church announced that its Executive Council had approved a resolution allocation up to $40,000 to any diocese requesting assistance. The statement included suggestions for ministries and programs that dioceses could consider.

When asked about the diocese’s plans regarding the grant, Bishop Marty said, “The diocesan leadership, including the Finance Committee and Diocesan Council, will be looking closely at the missional possibilities that the grant would enable for West Missouri.”

Press Release (Extract)

Seeking to ease the financial strain of the COVID-19 pandemic on its dioceses, the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church today approved a resolution allocating up to $40,000 to any diocese requesting assistance over the next 18 months.

The resolution follows a Jan. 25 commitment by the Executive Council to discern the best way to provide financial relief to The Episcopal Church’s 109 dioceses and to implement the plan as soon as feasible.

“Executive Council, made up of members from across the church-wide body each with their own pandemic struggles and stories, asserts that we are one church,” the January resolution states. “Across the church, life and finances are hard and faithful work is exhausting. The future, financial and otherwise, is uncertain and uncharted. We witness the determined and costly efforts across our church to continue in the Way of Love (as embodied by Jesus of Nazareth).”

You can read the full press release which is available in English, Spanish, and French here.

Gary Allman was the Communications Director with The Diocese of West Missouri from March 2014 through June 2023.

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