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May 20, 2021Centering Prayer – Bringing peace and calm to your life

Centering Prayer – Bringing peace and calm to your life

Kim Snodgrass One-minute read.   Resources
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

The Rev. Bryan Spoon has written a compelling book, Neuroscience and the Fruit of the Spirit. In it, he describes centering prayer as an “exceptional tool to help find and strengthen our connection to God’s presence.” He goes on to say, “The more we meditate on God’s presence, the more it becomes real.”

Centering Prayer is a time to reframe our mind, a time to invite God into our lives and dwell in God’s presence. The more it is practiced, the more you will feel God working in and through you.

A simplified version of Centering Prayer:

  • Sit comfortably with your eyes closed. Relax and let yourself be quiet.
  • Choose a sacred word, phrase, or passage from Scripture that helps you remember God’s love and presence with you.
  • Let that phrase or Scripture be present to you.
  • If you find yourself distracted or become aware of any other thoughts, feelings, or images, return to your word or phrase that anchors you to God’s love.

Episcopal Relief & Development’s Lectio Divina is another form of centering prayer that invites us to listen to God and listen to the experiences of fellow followers of Jesus from across the Anglican Communion.

The Lectio Divina is designed to be used individually or by groups. Each reflection contains a short video that provides an opportunity to connect to program partners who work with Episcopal Relief & Development across the globe. These partners share their personal reflections for each Scripture reading from the context of their life and work. New meditations will be added regularly.

Visit episcopalrelief.org/lectio-divina to learn more.

Connect with Episcopal Relief & Development on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram to hear the organization’s latest news and be notified as additional meditations are added.

Kim Snodgrass is Assistant to the Bishop for Christian Formation.

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