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Mar 01, 2022Live and love Lent

Live and love Lent

Kim Snodgrass One-minute read.   Resources

Patterns at home and the companionship of church family transforms our experience of Lent. Help something meaningful unfold during Lent.

  • Celebrate Shrove Tuesday at home or church. Enjoy these Shrove Tuesday Tidbits.
  • Embrace Ash Wednesday by attending a service and fasting (or a simple meal).
  • Christ taught it and practiced fasting, abstaining wholly or partially from all or certain foods, for physical or spiritual health. As a spiritual discipline, fasting is an act of contrition, cleansing, and preparation.
  • Practice abstinence, eliminating a particular food, beverage, or activity (i.e. worry, television, criticizing others, social networking) throughout the entire season. 
  • Attend an online or in-person series at your church home that speaks to your heart and supports your Lenten intentions. If nothing is nearby, encourage a friend to join you in watching and discussing Life Transformed – The Way of Love in Lent. 
  • Establish simple patterns in your daily routine. Use a natural, uncomplicated way of checking in with God as the day begins and ends. God understands the Spirit speaking through simple words. 
  • Be generous with your time, talents and treasure. Contribute something above and beyond each day.

Bring symbols into the home that encourage your practices and help shape the way Lent unfolds.

  • a small bowl of water or a shell reminds us of our baptism. 
  • sand reminds us we’re all on a journey,
  • candles are a reminder of God’s presence and light.   
  • the presence of a Bible represents a desire for God’s Word in our life
  • a crucifix can be a powerful, stirring reminder of God’s love
  • a symbol of our almsgiving focuses on our solidarity with those in need

Lent is a time for cultivating spiritual disciplines— taking something on that fosters spiritual growth. Engage in regular Prayer and Meditation.

For households with children 

This season, open the door a bit more, let go of more stuff, listen better. Do more quickly and with greater passion, those things we know help nurture God’s kingdom. Imagine God transforming your life, giving you a greater sense of freedom and joy, a lighter spirit, and filling you with a deeper desire for love and service.

Kim Snodgrass is Assistant to the Bishop for Christian Formation.

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