Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all Collect for the 133rd anniversary of the vote to form The Diocese of West Missouri - New Spirit

May 04, 2022Collect for the 133rd anniversary of the vote to form The Diocese of West Missouri

Collect for the 133rd anniversary of the vote to form The Diocese of West Missouri

The 50th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Missouri — May 1889

On May 22, 1889, a vote to split the Diocese of Missouri was passed at the diocese’s 50th annual convention. This vote set in motion the creation of The Diocese of West Missouri. Churches across the diocese are invited to include this collect in their services on May 22, the Sixth Sunday of Easter.


Gracious Lord God, to whom belongs all time and all ages, and through whose Beloved Son the Church receives its call to mission and service: 133 years ago you led the founders of The Diocese of West Missouri to begin a new chapter in ministry in the western half of the State of Missouri. As the people of this diocese have been faithful through these many years, grant that, under the ever-present guidance of the Holy Spirit, we who serve today may continue from this day with renewed fervor, serving the advancement of your Kingdom, and growing into ever-deeper holiness: all this we ask to the glory of your great Name; through Jesus Christ our Savior, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

October 15, 1889 — the split is approved

On October 7, 1889, on the 5th day of the General Convention of the then, Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, the House of Deputies adopted a resolution supporting the split of the Diocese of Missouri. The motion was referred by the House of Bishops to the Committee on the Admission of New Dioceses, and the bishops replied with a counter resolution requesting more time. … After various resolutions were suggested and rejected, on October 15, 1889, the House of Bishops finally approved the majority resolution from the Committee on the Admission of New Dioceses, and the resolution to split the Diocese of Missouri was approved.

Gary Allman was the Communications Director with The Diocese of West Missouri from March 2014 through June 2023.

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