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Feb 16, 2023Recording & Photographs – Blessed Absalom Jones Celebration

Recording & Photographs – Blessed Absalom Jones Celebration

Photographs: Malcolm Teschan, Mary Ann Teschan, & Gary Allman Three-minute read, 110-minute video.  Resources

 On Sunday, February 5, a celebration of the Blessed Absalom Jones was held at St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City. This year’s celebration included guest preacher the Rt. Rev. Deon Johnson, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri, and St. Augustine’s liturgical dancers.

You can watch a recording of the service by clicking on the button above or watch on YouTube by clicking on the button below.


The St. Augustine’s Junior Liturgical Dancers

St. Augustine’s Junior Liturgical Dancers. Blessed Absalom Jones Celebration 2023. St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church. Image by: Mary Ann Teschan


Processing. Blessed Absalom Jones Celebration 2023. St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church. Image by: Mary Ann Teschan

Welcome and readings

The Gospel

The Sermon – the Rt. Rev. Deon Johnson, Bishop of Missouri

St. Augustine’s Liturgical Dancers

Choir – The Marvin Byas Singers

Holy Communion

Blessing & Processing

Blessing. Blessed Absalom Jones Celebration 2023. St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church. Image by: Mary Ann Teschan

Bishop Deon, Bishop Diane, and Fr. Chas

The Rt. Rev. Deon Johnson, the Rt. Rev. Diane M. Jardine Bruce, and the Rev. Chas Marks. Blessed Absalom Jones Celebration 2023. St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church. Image by: Mary Ann Teschan

Behind the scenes

Order of Service


Download a copy of the Order of Service.

Media team: Adam James, Kimberly James, Chris Morrison, Jen Sackhoff, Malcolm Teschan, Mary Ann Teschan, and Gary Allman.

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