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Oct 14, 2020Annual Convention Update

Annual Convention Update

Gary Allman Three-minute read.   Resources

Annual Convention is less than a month away and we are constantly adding documents to the Annual Convention website. Nominations are now closed, and the slate of nominees will be published shortly. Here’s a brief summary of where we are.

Annual Convention

The annual Convention will be held as a Zoom online meeting. Everyone qualified to attend, vote, and have a voice will have received an invitation to register — see below. Voting will be undertaken via a dedicated webpage, and you will be required to input your Voter ID every time you vote. In the unlikely event of any voting irregularities, this will enable us to identify and remove multiple votes, people voting in the wrong order (clergy casting a lay vote for example), and any fraudulent Voter IDs.

We have arranged for four training sessions where you will be able to practice using Zoom and casting your votes. The training sessions are being held on:

October 27Annual Convention Technology Training Session 1. Online. 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Annual Convention Technology Training Session 2. Online. 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
October 28Annual Convention Technology Training Session 3. Online. 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.
October 29Annual Convention Technology Training Session 4. Online. 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Please take advantage of the training sessions. If you don’t, you may not be able to participate fully in the Annual Convention and as a consequence, you could lose your opportunity to vote.

We will have dedicated technical support available on the day, but please keep in mind that all the diocesan staff will be beavering away behind the scenes, and will not be able to spend a lot of time helping people who haven’t taken advantage of the training sessions to sort out any potential issues in advance.

Visitors do not need to register to watch the convention

Visitors and watching the convention

Visitors do not need to register to watch the convention as we will be broadcasting the convention live on both Facebook and YouTube. You’ll be able to access the links to the live broadcasts and watch us live here.


No registration, no vote. It’s that simple.

Everyone eligible to attend and vote at the 131st Annual Convention of The Diocese of West Missouri should have received multiple emails reminding them to register.

Important. If you do not register by the deadline of October 20, you will not receive a Voter ID, and you will not be able to participate in any of the votes at the convention. No registration, no vote. It’s that simple.

We will be issuing Voter IDs and joining instructions after registration has closed on October 20.

Are you a delegate? Haven’t registered yet? Register here.


A total of four resolutions were submitted by the October 10 deadline. You can see them all here.


Nominations are now closed. we have a total of ten lay nominees and eight clergy nominees for Council and Standing Committee. Many thanks to everyone who put, or agreed to have their name put forward for nomination. We will be adding the details of all the nominees to the Annual Convention website as quickly as we can.


All the reports received by the October 10 deadline have been published. You can see them all here.

2021 Plan for Ministry

The draft Plan for Ministry (A.K.A. the budget) has been reviewed and approved by the Diocesan Council and is available to read online here.

Minutes of the 130th Annual Convention of The Diocese of West Missouri

The minutes of the 2019 Annual Convention have been reviewed and approved by Diocesan Council and can be seen here.

Minutes of the 2020 Special Convention of The Diocese of West Missouri

The minutes of the 2020 Special Convention have been reviewed and approved by Diocesan Council and can be seen here.

Gary Allman was the Communications Director with The Diocese of West Missouri from March 2014 through June 2023.


  • Oops, the text originally said this was the 130th Convention. Of course, this is the 131st Annual Convention.

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