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KC Pride 2023: deadlines, help needed, and information

Five-minute read. KC Pride 2023 is just around the corner. The Episcopal Church will be present at the three-day Festival, marching in the parade together and hosting a Pride Mass that Saturday morning. All churches are welcome to join us and make our voices heard. We need volunteers to help share God’s love and invite others to join the Episcopal Church in proclaiming the Gospel.

KC Pride 2023: deadlines, help needed, and information Read More »

Letter from Bishop Bruce on legislative initiatives targeting transgender individuals and their families

Bishop Diane writes, “In The Episcopal Church, we vow in our Baptismal Covenant to ‘respect the dignity of every human being,’ and to ‘seek and serve Christ in all persons.'” and reiterates The Episcopal Church’s support for transgender individuals and their families.

Letter from Bishop Bruce on legislative initiatives targeting transgender individuals and their families Read More »

Mensaje del obispo primado Michael Curry acerca del Llamado de Lambeth sobre la dignidad humana

Five-minute read. El obispo primado de la Iglesia Episcopal Michael Curry se encuentre entre aproximadamente 650 obispos anglicanos de todo el mundo —entre ellos más de cien obispos episcopales— que asisten a la Conferencia de Lambeth en Cantórbery, Inglaterra, hasta el 7 de agosto.

Mensaje del obispo primado Michael Curry acerca del Llamado de Lambeth sobre la dignidad humana Read More »

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